Hello, I've been having issues with updating Views (separate ticket), but want to know if it would be a good idea to switch from Views to Blocks, which means I could avoid the problem altogether:
1. If I have been using Toolset Views, and I immediately switch over to Toolset Blocks, will I have any problem with the work that's already been completed using Gutenberg Toolset blocks?
2. Is Toolset Blocks easier to use for User-custom-fields and User-forms? I have been having some trouble with those in the current Gutenberg blocks (e.g., copying and pasting content of an advanced conditional block sometimes overwrites the entire page, not just the content inside the Toolset block).
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Toolset Views and Toolset Blocks are basically the same plugins, released with two names. In fact, you can't activate both of them, once one is activated it deactivates the other. The only difference is, when Toolset Blocks is installed first, it will set the editing experience to the blocks editor. When Toolset Views is installed first, it will set the editing experience to the legacy editor. But after that, both of the plugins will respect the existing setting.
You can activate both editing experiences(block editor or legacy editor) in Toolset->Settings->General(tab)->Editing experience.
So, this means, that when you switch to Toolset Blocks after being using Toolset Views, you won't lose anything. You just need to activate both editing experiences if you need both of them.
And you may need both of them, because, as of now, Toolset Blocks plugin does not offer the same features as of Toolset Views. For example, the user fields are not yet supported by Toolset Blocks.
Regarding your last comment about copy/pasting blocks, I believe that similar issues will arise, especially because the Gutenberg editor is not yet stable. This is not a limitation from Toolset Blocks itself. It is still related to the Gutenberg block. But, if the copy/paste feature is important to you, I can verify with you the cases when it happens for Toolset Blocks and I'll be glad to escalate it to our developers. They will then schedule it for future development based on the priorities and the ongoing work, so, I would suspect that it will take sometime before it gets implemented.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.