I am trying to: Get a custom role to delete items in a child view loop. The [cred_delete_post_link] link will appear for Administrators, but not for a user in the custom role, even though they are granted Delete Own AND Delete Any.
I found this Errata on your site: https://toolset.com/errata/cannot-delete-posts-using-a-non-administrator-user-if-there-is-an-access-post-group/
Our current version of Toolset Access is 2.8.2, and the Errata states the bug is fixed with (but that is not available on the Downloads section of your site).
How may I get this latest version of Toolset Access to see if it fixes the problem?
There is a mistake in the errata you mentioned above:
The Resolved version should be in:, so it should be fixed in 2.8.2 too.
That errata was started from this thread:
I have tried with below steps, please correct me if there is anything missing:
1) Create CPT (CPTA), manage it with access
2) Create a custom role and copy it from editor role
2) Create a "CPTA" post with shortcode:
[cred_delete_post_link action='trash' message='Are you sure you want to delete this post?' message_show='1' class='cred-refresh-after-delete']Delete %TITLE%[/cred_delete_post_link]
3) Create a user(UserA) and assign with the new role
4) Login as UserA
Visit "CPTA" post, I can see that the trash link, it works fine in my localhost with a fresh WordPress installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins.
Please check if you are you using same step 2):
2) Create a custom role and copy it from editor role
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
I deleted the User Role and created it within Access, then it worked fine.