Is there a list of things that can still only be done using views?
This is the third time I have spent a long time trying to find out how to do something in blocks, only to find out it can't be done yet and must be done in views!
Very frustrating and time wasting
So, now I have created a taxonomy view using legacy views.
I go to a page, add a Views block, go to the Use existing View, and there is nothing there! See image. It says Taxonomy Views (not a link) and blank underneath.
How do I add the view to my post?
While I can recognise these issues and out development team is certainly aware of it. We are trying to push in the direction of a visual builder so this will improve with Time and the Builder will get better.
Right now as you are aware a few things don't yet work in our Blocks UI setup. This includes Inserting and Creating Taxonomy/User views.
In order to insert these you will need to use the Field and Text block and then use the Add view or Field button to insert your view into your page. See Screenshot
But the biggest problem is that we don't know if or how something will work until we have spent a lot of time trying to work it out. There doesn't seem to be any information on this. I not only spent unnecessary time trying to find out if something worked with blocks, but when I eventually found out it didn't I then couldn't find out how to add the legacy version to a block!