show the details of the works stored on a separate page from a page that collects the basic data of the works
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
page with all the works represented as intended: hidden link
details page with only main image and indication (without showing) of existing secondary images: hidden link
Details page with only main image and indication of secondary images that do not exist):hidden link
Details page without main image and indication (of secondary images that do not exist): hidden link
I expected to see:
pages where all or just some of the data stored in “works” can be represented.
Instead, I got:
Random representation (fields of post field group:”Settings for Field Group for works
“) of the main images (“featured_image_works”) and none of the secondary ones (multiple instances of image field: “images_work”) .
I also expected not to see “empty” squares when there are no secondary images.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I'm not sure why on one page works and on another it does not.
As I advised before - I suggest you either drop idea to use the Breakdance builder and insread use the Toolset blocks or if you want to go with Breakdance builder then you should create content template using Toolset and add that content tempalte to your Breakdance builder.
You can try to build the content template from the following link:
- hidden link
if you really want to use the breakdance builder then you can create Toolset content teplate and then display the content temmplate by adding the following shortcode to your breakdance builder:
[wpv-post-body view_template="your-ct-slug"]
- Replace "your-ct-slug" with your oringinal content template slug.