I am trying to: Hello, i made template for single page for my CPT with custom fields hidden link
I insert dynamic field - featured image and bottom toolset slider block. At first - multiply image in slider rotated at 90 degrees, but downloaded in media with normal position.
The second problem can be seen in the video of my customer, when the image is enlarged and scrolled, the structure of the display of the lightbox with infinite scrolling breaks. You can watch the video from my client here hidden link . Unfortunately, I can not reproduce this error on my own, maybe you have encountered such an error and can help me fix it. Thanks in advance.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see:
Instead, I got:
Q1) multiply image in slider rotated at 90 degrees, but downloaded in media with normal position.
The images are rotated, see here:
The original image:
hidden link
It was rotated here:
hidden link
Is there any detail steps to reproduce the same problem?
Q2) when the image is enlarged and scrolled, the structure of the display of the lightbox with infinite scrolling breaks
Where and how can I see the problem in your website, please provide the problem page URLs, thanks
As for the photos, the problem itself was solved. I removed additional images from the media library and the slider began to show as it should in the correct display.
For the second question, the link is the same. hidden link The error appears when you click on the main image or on the slider image. As displayed, you can watch the video at the link in the previous message.
I have tried the URL you mentioned above with different browsers(Chrome\Edge\Firefox):
hidden link
But don't see the problem you mentioned in video capture, see my screenshot alena-shutova.JPG
Is there any missing steps?