Wordpress default search bar's query variable is "s" and toolset's query variable for text search is "wpv_post_search".
Is it possible to change "?wpv_post_search=" to "?s=".
No, it is not possible, the URL parameter name to "s" is reserved by WordPress.
If you change the search URL parameter name to "s", it will conduct other unexpected result, for example, WordPress will take it as a built-in search result page,
So, it is not recommended to change the URL parameter name to "s".
I understand your answer but using layout create search result page archive, only display counter of records not contents. I consider that wordpress parameter name is different from toolset view's parameter name.
Is it possible for toolset text search view to receive parameter name "s"
There isn't such a built-in feature, it needs custom codes, for example, you can use Views filter hook wpv_filter_query to trigger a PHP function, in this function customize view's query to what you want, see our document:
When displaying a View listing posts, this filter is applied to the arguments being generated by the View settings before they are passed to the WP_Query class.