By default the text search only includes the title and content. Is it possible to extend this to include custom taxonomies? Usually I would do this using a tool like SearchWP but that does not seem to be working here. It's confusing for users to be able to toggle a category to search for something but not type the same term into text search.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
The Views Text search (rather than filtering) uses the built-in WordPress search functionality, which only searches titles and, optionally, the post body.
One possible workaround, for someone with an absolute requirement, can be to create a regular page for each archive page that should be searchable and then set that page to redirect to the relevant archive page.
Any better solutions? I imagine this is a common enough scenario so it seems like a better solution should really be available.
No - there is no such feature available as shared Toolset do not have feature but you may check with "relevanssi" plugin support if they can offer you any workaround in this case and if yes, you are welcome to share here.
I've contacted Relevanssi and it looks like that end is working fine and should (in theory) also work with Toolset. I believe the two links below should in fact give the same results... they are both search for "Dublin" but the results are very different.
This one works -- using the checkbox filters hidden link
The text search is not however working in the same way and not searching the custom taxonomies hidden link
Sorry I meant to add if you make the search in the Relevanssi admin search the results are correct... but they are not giving the same results in the Toolset view text search.
As shared there is no such feature available to search within taxonomy but you may check with Relevanssi support and check with them how you can achieve this and kindly share the solution you may get here as that will help other users as well.