Hey guys, I would like to display taxonomy terms from current post, so I need that empty terms are not shown with the checked ones. To do that, I created a view to display taxonomies and left the following options checked: Don't show empty terms / Include terms that have non-empty descendants / Include children in the post count. The result was that all taxonomies were displayed, even the ones that were not checked in the current post.
So I created nested views (one parent and one child - screenshot) as explained in the docs above, but again, it's not working. Instead, I got "no items found" message. I'm not quite sure if I've understood exactly how I should do this.
Could you have a look on my site and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I would really appreciate it 🙂
Yes, exactly. I want to display the taxonomies of the current post, but empty taxonomy terms are showing up. I'm sorry if I wasn't too clear. Let me know if you need any other information. 🙂
I'm sorry, as you might have noticed I'm not an IT person, my knowledge is basic. I'm not sure if I understand what it would be parent and child terms in taxonomies.
This is what I did:
1. I just created a taxonomy called "boat features" > then created the terms inside it > and checked the terms inside each post (under post type: "Boats"). Each post has a few taxonomies (not all of them) checked. What I want to do is to show the taxonomies that are assigned to the current post displayed on the front-end. I don't want it to display all terms, as I've had to create a lot of them.
2. Created 2 views: one parent and one child (which should be within the parent view). Label of the views: "Equipment parent" and "equipment child".
3. To display those posts in the front-end, I created a template in Elementor and placed a "Toolset View" Element inside the template. This template is supposed to display the taxonomies assigned to the current post. The template was created in "Elementor Templates" >theme builder >name of the template: "Template Barcos Resultados Busca" (sorry, it's Portuguese - it's the third template in the list). The View Element is placed at the bottom of the page - last element.
So, I have to set the query filter as "Taxonomy is set by the current post", right?
Another thing is that I noticed that you changed to the child view in the "Toolset view" widget in the Elementor template. Just to confirm, so it's the child, not the parent that I have to use in the case, is it?
Yes I change it to "Taxonomy is set by the current post". Also yes I switched it to the child view. In your case you don't need a Parent or a child view.
You only need a taxonomy view with the filter set to "Taxonomy is set by the current post".