I've setup filter for a view by name (searchbar) and taxonom(3 select boxes), when one of the taxonomies is selected the filter works good but on the results the 3 select boxes for the taxonomies disappear and the search bar remains in place.
The view is live on this link: hidden link
I have seen that it i remove '&wpv_view_count=2933' from the url the issue is solved
the issue is stil persistent on my side, i turned of caching etc and still getting the error on mobile and desktop
did you test on your side and it worked? maybe give it some time here?
Great everything works perfect now! just to avoid future mistakes, can you show me the setting or snippet of code you added or removed that was causing this?
No code snippet was added to the site. As mentioned what was done was to Edit the view and scroll to the Query Filters section and removed all the filters related to the taxonomies.
Then I went to the Custom search settings and set it like the screenshot.
Finally I went to the Filter output section and clicked on New Filter and re-added your taxonomy filters.