I am redesigning my site hejaolika.se using Kadence theme and Toolset. I am trying to use table-of-content blocks (from Ultimate Blocks) in the content template for posts. The headings in the post body should show up in the table of content block, but they don't.
Could there be a problem combining content templates and the table of content block?
I am testing this on 200624.hejaolika.se which is still offline for development.
Do you have any suggestions regarding making this work?
Any other table-of-content block that is recommended to use with Toolset?
From Ultimate Blocks I have had this comment:
Toolset's Fields and Text block uses a different structure for headings, which is unfortunately incompatible with the Table of Contents block. Recreating the headings using the default heading block outside the Fields and Text block is the easiest way to fix this.
It seems Ultimate Blocks table of content does not work for me.
Could it be done with Toolset itself or another plugin?
From what I see it seems there needs to be an improvement done on the Table of Contents block because when I added the Heading block and a Kadence heading block, they both generate an H2 tag with the heading on the frontend with similar markup.
You mentioned "Toolset's Fields and Text block uses a different structure for headings," however when I checked the markup it is exactly the same with the only difference being the class names and ID's.
I would suggest getting in touch with the support team for this and have them take a look at it as they would be better equipped to tell you why its not showing up.
If its something on our side then I would be more than happy to escalate to our compatibility team but we would first need to ensure that the issue is on our side.
You were right, the problem is with the table of content block.
I received this info from Ultimate blocks: Only default Heading block and some third party Heading blocks are supported for the Table of Contents. We will look into it and see if we can integrate Toolset heading blocks too.
I will try some other plugin for this.
Please let me know if there is any such plugin you would recommend to use with Toolset.