Currently, a Create Post or Edit Post Form cannot create or edit M2M relationships, only one-to-many or one-to-one relationships. This is a real showstopper for site developers who want to allow users to add or edit Posts in an M2M relationship from the frontend. If I had known about this limitation upfront, I would not have chosen Toolset (although in many other respects it is a truly great suite of plugins). I hope you will be able to add this possibility soon!
This is correct, but you can create relationships.
This is done as described here for M2M:
And here of all other relationships:
If you have a smooth redirection process from form to form you can let the user create post and connect them at ease.
With some custom code or if you wait for future development you can even bulk connect:
We are as well working constantly on new features, and I will add the request to be able to connect directly in a Single Post Edit Form a M2M relation.
Hi Beda, thanks for your helpful ideas! I will try to work out things with your suggestions. And thank you for adding a request to be able to connect directly in a Single Post Edit Form to a M2M relation.