In the thread below, if there are any links in the snippets of code Nigel has given as examples that point to a location other than the host website, could those links be unhidden please so that it's clearer how to implement static maps?
I was logged in when I visited the thread. Does this mean ALL the links in the code snippets are for the Toolset user's website (non are google urls)??
Again: I was logged in when I visited the thread. Logged in or not, I see <u>hidden link</u> not the URL.
It's my understanding that this behaviour is applied to ALL links (whether the viewer is logged in or not) so as to not make public any urls used in tickets and that only the author of the ticket and Toolset support staff can see the original URL. I do know from past tickets, that support staff can unhide links that would be considered "public" (such as one to a google address) and this is what I'm asking for here (unless they need to remain hidden because they're not considered public which was my second question).