Is it possible (I imagine using custom hooks) to start a view not on page 1, but on the page that contains a given post id?
For example, if I have 100 posts, across 10 pages. I want to start on the page that contains a particular post. It could be page 7, or page 3, for example?
If I understand correctly, you've added your view to a content template but you only want the view to show on specific pages correct? If so was this template created using the gutenburg editor?
It's a view that I've included via [wpv-view] shortcode on a blocks page.
But, I don't want it to only show on certain pages.
The view itself appears on one page only, but I want the results to be paginated.
So, say I have 100 results in the view across 10 pagination pages. I want to search for a particular result and start the view pagination on that page.
Imagine if you're in a category of 'T Shirts' and there's 100 t-shirts on 10 pages.
I want to start displaying the results on the pagination page that contains a specific t-shirt. So I'll need to find out which of those pagination pages it's on and start the view from there. I can't change the default order.
I believe I understand a bit clearer now. However I dont believe this is something that you will be able to achieve unless you modify the page URL itself to have the pagination information in the url for the view.
This will tell the view that it needs to start on X page, You will need to go to each of your pages and add the appropriate URL parameter to the end of the links.
Let me know if this is something that you are aware of how to do.