2) I would like to add filters in a widget next to an archive-page, to filter the job-listings, for example only show fulltime theaterjobs in Noord-Holland. So I want seperate widget for several custom fields, which can be used together (I hope I explane this clearly). I will upload a picture from another test-site, which shows what I want to do - but this is made with FacetWP and I was hoping that I could do all this (custom post types, custom fields and filtering) just using Toolset. Is this possible? I searched the documentation but I only fiind disciptions of filtered searches, and this is different from what I want (I think).
Looking at your sidebar filters screenshot, this looks like an ordinary View with search filters, where you use a widget to show the filter controls in a sidebar rather than in the main content area along with the View results.
You create a View that includes all of the filter controls needed (for different fields, taxonomies etc.). If you want to group them into sections, you do so here in the Search and Pagination editor, with whatever markup suits.
When you go to Appearance > Widgets you will find you can insert the View filter controls into your sidebar. The one requirement in this case is that your filter controls include a search button.