You could aim for validation in the browser (the user cannot even try to submit the form if a number is out-of-range), and/or you could apply validation on the server, whereby the form is submitted but rejected if the field values are invalid.
The first is pretty straightforward in principle.
The number input type accepts min and max arguments: hidden link
But, we don't have any way for you to add such arguments to the input markup generated by the form.
You can update the input type from text to number and apply the range values with a little JavaScript.
On my test site I have a number field with slug "low-value" so the actual meta key for this field including Types prefix is "wpcf-low-value", so I can add the following custom JS to the Form and it will update the field input to give the kind of result you see in the screenshot (browser-based validation).
( function( $ ) {
$( document ).ready( function(){
$('input[name="wpcf-low-number"]').attr( {"type":"number","min":"0","max":"5"});
// add more adjustments to other fields are required
})( jQuery );