I figured it out. I didn't know I could add a term filter for the parent views term as well as the post relation filter at the same time. This totally works. Thanks a lot for your help. Now I have one final question:
Now that I can display the activities of the travel styles nested inside the travel style on the country, I would now have a country dependent image for each travel style.
Lets take the example form my last post. Thailand as well as Lao both have the travel style "Islands". Islands is a term of the taxonomy. I know I can add image fields to the taxonomy but then I could only set the image once and show the same island image on both countries. I'd like to show a different image for islands when displayed on each country though.
Is there some easy way of doing this or would I need to create yet another post type, create another relationship between country and that new post type, add the travel style taxonomy to the new post type as well and then create a post for each of the travel styles and each country? I guess that will work but it seems very complex and a bit error prone. Maybe you have a better idea?
For the question:
I'd like to show a different image for islands when displayed on each country though.
I suggest you setup a multiple instance custom image field to post type "Countries", for example "style-images", then you will be able to setup some images for each country, and display them in front-end, see our document: