I also did as you suggested with the post relationships and now my comments are displaying correctly due to the relationships being assigned properly now.
My next step is to make the "rating" custom post type and get that to work properly.
Hi Minesh,
Thanks for the replay and I apologize for my late response.
What I would like to do is create a star rating for my Twitch channels for users to give it a rank from 1-5.
Yesterday, I noticed in the latest Toolset Youtube video what seemed to be a built in rating system for listings. Is this something I can use?
There is a "Star Rating" block within our new "Toolset Block" plugin, it can only display a custom numeric field value as stars, but I can not say it is a rating system, since it lacks other feature of a rating system.
See screenshot: Star-Rating.JPG
In above screenshot, the "Star Rating" block will display the value of custom field "page-rating" as stars in front-end.
For the question "users to be able to rate a channel but only do it once per user", you can add a post date filter in the post view:
Select posts whose
Published date belongs to a year between those: CURRENT_ONE(),FUTURE_ONE(1)
See our document: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views/filtering-views-query-by-date/