Thank you for keep helping me. I have three more issues...
Q1. When I click tab the result is not showing unless I click the reset button.
Is there any way I can see the result without click reset button? (q04.jpg)
Q2: Once I click the tab and type word in the input. The result is not showing. (q05.jpg)
Q3: when I click the tab it shows the word on top of the list, but when I type the word in the input box, it does not show the word on top. (q06.jpg)
Q1) I tried as you mentioned above, click "sentinel", I get this URL in my browser:
hidden link
And it display only one item "SENTINEL", please provide detail steps to duplicate the same problem:
the result is not showing
Q2) You get the result: "No items found", that means there isn't related items in your website, please make sure there are posts with both settings:
Gunner + Manus
See your screenshot:
hidden link
Please let me know if you need assistance to setup a post to display it in the result.
Q3) When you type the word "MAGUS" in the search post, it will pass URL parameter "wpv_post_search" to view, for example:
hidden link
You can get the URL parameter value of "wpv_post_search" using shortcode:
[wpv-search-term param="wpv_post_search"]
thank you for the reply and create the new page for me.
Q1) my question was, is there any way to refresh the word without clicking "reset button"?
so once user type and clicks search, it reset the input.
Q2) so what you are saying is once a user clicks the tab and if they want to search on the search input, they have to refresh the page or click all tab and then type on the search bar? That's so unconvinced...
Q3) It's kind of work but sometimes it shows twice.
#1. click warrior tab
#2. type warrior on the search input
Q1) The reset button is for refresh the search form, and you can setup a link to the origin URL of the page, it will be able to reset the search form too, for example:
<a href="<em><u>hidden link</u></em>">origin URL link</a>
Q2) That is your custom search form settings, so it is expected result
1) click the tab "magus", it will add URL parameter "wpv-character_class_cat=magus"
2) type "MAGUS", it will add URL parameter "wpv_post_search=Manus", then you will get this URL:
hidden link
Hope it is clear
Q3) Same as above, this is your custom search form settings, you might consider setup some custom codes, when user input in the search bar, reset the "character_class_cat" taxonomy filter.
I see, so I have to add additional code on the JS area.
Thank you for the help!!