Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have a CPT "calendar item" as part of an events calendar. Within this is a repeatable field group for event dates. Which works fine for displaying an individual event (see this previous thread for reference: )
However, the client now needs the ability to filter/sort events by the date they occur. (e.g. Events in the upcoming week, Today's Events, Only items where event_date contains "July 17", etc.) I have found a few support threads that touched on this, but all were several years old.
Is there a way to use the values contained in the repeating field group (i.e. event dates) in a view to sort/organize/filter events?
A side note: I also tried creating a separate post type "calendar event dates" and a many-to-many relationship between events and dates. However that seemed very clunky and not very user-friendly. (the public needs to be able to fill out a form to submit events, so simplicity is key).
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Some support threads:
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
The thread you mentioned above:
It was talking about a custom repeating field group.
But this thread title is Repeating Field Groups, they are different Toolset features.
If it is Repeating Field Groups, you can setup a post view:
- Query posts of your Repeating Field Group
- Filter by relationship of Repeating Field Group
- Order the results by your custom date field
See our document:
section "Displaying Repeatable Field Groups"