I would like to sort results by relevance. I have custom code that is used to display relevance as a percentage, and I would like to use that relevance value to sort the results in a View.
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset Views/Blocks plugin, Toolset Views plugin is using WP_Query to query posts, see WP document:
There isn't such an option to sort the result by relevance,
You might consider custom codes, for example, use filter hook "wpv_filter_query_post_process" to resort View's result with custom codes, see our document:
When displaying a View listing posts, this filter is applied after the WP_Query has been run.
hey Luo,
thanks but I don't have enough php skills to deal with that.
If it's a simple code - I'd appreciate your (or Waqar's) help
if it's too much, i'll give it up
According to our support policy, we don't provide custom codes support
you can also check it with our Toolset certified consultants: