I am trying to build a slider with repeating images. I initially built it with a repeating field group and it works perfectly. My issue is that this site is to be administered completely from front end forms and the repeating field group makes this to complicated.
Here is a working page hidden link the slider works automatically behind the subheading. I have included how I built the slider.
I would like to recreate this using an image field with multiple instances. The field is "Subhead Gallery" slug efm-subhead-gallery. I tried using for each and could not make it work.
Is there a way I can make this work with the image field?
Unfortunately the Toolset slider block still does not auto advance. Also you need to hide the navigation with CSS because there are no settings.
The lesson provided only loads one image from the post, not multiple images from the same post. I looked at the instructions for the legacy version using "for each" but could not figure out how to get it to work.