how can I automatic set the Post Title as a Custom Fields Concatenation?
For example:
Post Title = post_id + ' : ' + my_custom_field_lastname + ' ' + my_custom_field_name + ' ' + my_custom_field_role
Post title = "12 : Black Jack Manager"
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I would like to know when you want to generate dynamic post title usinng the custom fields value - is it using Toolset form? If yes:
- You can use the Toolset Form's hook "cred_save_data" to generate the dynamic post title based on your custom fields.
thank you for you reply.
I mean in admin, when you add a new custom type item.
for example:
I've a Custom Type "MyUser" with 3 Custom Fields (Number, Name, Lastname).
When I add a new "MyUser" I type Number (034), Name (John), Lastname (green) and I need that the "post title" is filled in automatic with "034 - John Green".
I mean in wordpress admin... when i add a new "custom type" record.
For example:
I've a "custom type" called "MyUsers" with 3 "custom type fields": myuser_number, myuser_name, myuser_lastname
When I add a new "MyUser" I need that the "post title" is automatic filled with the concatenation of this 3 custom fields.
myuser_number : 034
myuser_name : John
myuser_lastname : Green
post_title : 034 - John Green