Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - As a supporter we have limit to support such request and we are not allowed to give support for such custom edits or code, the help you are asking for is unfortunately fall in our custom programming category which is beyond the scope of our support policy.
If you need custom programming for your project, please feel free to contact our certified partners:
=> https://toolset.com/contractors/
Hi Minesh thank you for the response. Is there a way that toolset can get the selected value on the select field of the Client cpt from the parent cpt? Agency is the parent cpt of the Client Cpt
Thank you for the response. This is what i am trying to do, i am trying to create recurring emails (daily, weekly or monthly) to send to authors of a CPT. Maybe having a custom field automatically switch after those durations which could then trigger the CRED auto-notiifcations. Is this possible with using just toolset or do i have to use a plugin to achieve this?
The way you want to achieve the notification functionality can be implemented with Toolset but it needs custom programming which is unfortunately beyond the scope of our support policy.
If you need custom programming for your project, please feel free to contact our certified partners:
=> https://toolset.com/contractors/