When adding a background image to a container (or any other element I assume) there is no option to select what size that image should be. It seems to automatically default to the original image size which are often huge and slow pages down, especially when using containers with background images for a grid of posts on an archive page etc.
I've been asking for ages for the ability to control/select background image sizes for any element for which they can be applied. I've also seen others asking for the same thing since at least May 2020. It's been over a year and a half, when will we get this basic option??
You are right, there isn't such kind of built-in feature with Toolset Blocks plugin, and I have checked it in our to-do list, it is still marked as a feature request, I have added this thread into the to-do list, hope it will raise the attention, but there won't be any ETA for it.
Currently, you need to setup the container with HTML codes, for example:
hidden link