I am trying to: get my site functioning. Parts of my site are missing and I believe it has to do with Toolset as its the only app not updated. I am trying to update but it seems to be stalled on updating Toolset Layouts.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: page content; all that's shown is header and footer. The areas to manage that content are also missing in the admin section.
Instead, I got: everything missing
Thanks for the details, I can log into your website, but there isn't the problem as you mentioned above:
everything missing
Here is the screenshot: manager.JPG
Is this problem resolved?
For the problem: updating Toolset Layouts.
I suggest you follow our document to regenerate a Toolset site key, then run the upgrading again:
No, that is not all of my content. I have whole paragraphs of text that are missing from every page. Look at this link for an example. hidden link I will try what you mentioned for Toolset Layouts.
I've now updated all toolset plugins except Access and CRED. Why can I not update these with what I purchased like I did last year when I first installed and purchased Toolsest?
Look at this link to see roughly what the site should look like. Somethings are not right, but it shows there should be more than there is.
hidden link
Q1) Why can I not update these with what I purchased like I did last year when I first installed and purchased Toolsest?
Your subscription is "Toolset Presentation", it does not include Access plugin or Forms plugin, see it here:
column "Toolset Presentation".
See the "What do I get in the package?" in section "Frequently Asked Questions".
Q2) Somethings are not right, but it shows there should be more than there is.
Thanks for the details, I can see the difference, how and where do you setup the content as the URL you mentioned above:
hidden link
For example:
I have searched text "An Application Built To Converge Commerce" in pages and layouts, but can not any result.
I do not see a "what do I get in my package?" in the below link. Can you point me to it?
We build our site through the backend but all of the fields where we enter our content have disappeared from there as well.
In fact, i don't even see CRED as an option in your Tollset Components.
Q1) I do not see a "what do I get in my package?" in the below link. Can you point me to it?
You can see it in the URL I mentioned above:
in section "Frequently Asked Questions".
Q2) In fact, i don't even see CRED as an option in your Tollset Components.
The CRED plugin had already changed the name to "Toolset Forms" plugin, you can find it in the URL you mentioned above:
Forms Front-end content creation forms