I am trying to: Replicate this tutorial hidden link
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
Instead, I got: no result everytime I search. I did check this as well, https://toolset.com/forums/topic/bootstrap-column-not-working/
Am i missing something?
Pardon me as I am totally new to Toolset.
Thanks for the details, I can log into your website, but I see different problem:
I got same result everytime I search.
I assume the problem URL you mentioned above is a WordPress archive page of taxonomy "project-status":
hidden link
Normal post view won't be able to work as expected in WordPress archive page, I suggest you setup View's WordPress archive for it, and test again, see our document:
I did play around and it seems working for some of the fields and other fields are not working.
There are 2 issues i am facing right now.
1. Like for example, the Search by site # (custom field inside Project post type), i change from the previous "string" to "number" and now it shows a result.
Type of project (which is a taxonomy) is working as well. But the Location (custom field inside Project post type) is not working.
2. Also, i did follow and add the Filter by related posts (relationship ancestors) https://toolset.com/documentation/post-relationships/how-to-display-related-posts-with-toolset/how-to-filter-posts-by-their-ancestors/
Though from the documentation it shows you can add one or more ancestors, but when i try to add the Client and Consultant. it only allows me to add one.
I have 3 custom post type which is the Project as the main, then consultants and clients has a one to many relationship.
My question now is,
From first issue, Why the Location is not wokring while the Search by site # is working? Note that this 2 custom fields are in the same custom post type.
From 2nd issue, why it only allows me to add one ancestor? How to add more like from the documentation?
And when you open the hidden link
At first all the details are showing, but when you start searching. The Client details shows No Items found.
Below screenshot before and after image.
Before searching: hidden link
After searching: hidden link
I assume the original question of this thread is resolved, for other new questions, please check the new thread here:
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!