Custom search for users isn't possible, even with the legacy Views (the newer Blocks interface currently only supports Posts).
WordPress isn't very good at displaying and querying users in the same rich way that it is with posts, with templates for posts, archives etc. and so our recommendation is to create profile posts that are linked to users, and create templates for those profiles, perform searches etc.
We do plan in one of the upcoming dev cycles to improve this by automatically syncing data between users and profile posts to more tightly integrate them.
Representing users with a custom post type is very powerful and can allow you many features. I am sure there is a way to integrate it with your subscription functionality. If you can provide more details about the case we'll give you accurate advice.
Keep in mind that legacy views are tight to the internal WordPress queries:
- Post views are tight to WP_Query.
- Taxonomy views are tight to WP_Term_Query.
- User views are tight to WP_User_Query.
OUr issues using custom post type for subscription functionlity is
1. custom post type is not related to woocommerce orders.
- user should only create account/publish the post once the is order complete.
- delete user/post if they cancel or unsubscribe order.
- basicaly the woocommerce orders should control the user/post.
2. Profile behavior
- when user tried to buy or switch another subscription they endup having 2 post (should only be one for displaying profile)
Im not sure how can we use this wpv_filter_user_query in a views search form
Can you provide more detail about this wpv_filter_user_query
Regarding the Profile behavior, I need more information to better understand it.
For the custom code that I shared, it can be added to the theme's functions.php file, or to Toolset->Settings->Custom Code. But, you need to build the search form yourself. As Nigel explained, views do not offer a built-in search for users. And that's why we suggest using a separate CPT. Read more about the hook here
Please note that, even though we sometimes provide it, custom code is out of the scope of this support forum. If you are not comfortable with programming, consider hiring a developer. You'll find a list of our partners here
Is there a way to create user if the payment/order was completed?
Is there a way to draft or pending the post created by this user if they want to cancel the completed subscription/order?
Is there a way to create user if the payment/order was completed?
Yes, that needs to use our integration plugin to WooCommerce, "Toolset Forms Commerce", create a product that will hold the price and will be bought, and connect it to a User Form.
However, for support rules, we are able to handle only one issue at a time. This helps us to bring you a better service and also helps other users to find all the information here exposed. For that reason, I have to kindly ask you to open a new thread if you need further assistance.