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I am trying to search in custom taxonomy terms and use a view for the search results archive to render them. Custom search only searches post title, content and custom fields with Relevanssi integration. The documentation states that Views is not compatible with Relevanssi for searching taxonomy terms.
Will this be the case with all 3rd party plugins that enhance native WordPress search or that use WordPress search result archives to display the results? Is there any way to search in custom taxonomies while using Views?
Is there any way to search in taxonomy terms while using a Toolset view as the search result archive?
=> No - unfortunately there is no native solution available to search taxonomy terms.
The one workaround would be that you can build search result archive using custom search where you can add the taxonomy filter to it and submit button to filter section of search result archive.
=> Create a Search result archive from: Toolset => WordPress archives => Add New
=> Select option " Display the items using a custom search"
=> Add taxonomy filter to your archive's filter section and submit button
=> Add whatever results you want to display to loop output editor and save archive
Please check following screenshot:
=> hidden link
This may help you. If not - there is no other solution available for now.