Is there a way with search when some one has selected an option in the first drop down, the second dropdown will show certain options depending on the first dropdown?
For example:
You choose dropdown A - the second dropdown you get: Option 1, Option 2
You choose dropdown B - the second dropdown you get : Option 3, Option 4, Option 5
Would it be possible if you could log in to the back end and take a look for me?
I have set up 2 Custom Post Types:
Course Overview
The Course should change depending on what Course Overview you choose. I have make a relationship between these posts but still don't seem to be able to work out the search bit...
In the select dropdown menu "Course Overviews", choose option "First Aid", and submit the form, you will be bale to see the related child "Courses" posts.
What I want though is 2 drop down fields, where is the first you would select 'First Aid' then in the second dropdown with the First Aid options. How would you add the second drop down?
As you can see there isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset Views plugin.
And the logic is:
Three post types + two relationships, then setup a post view to query child post, you can filter with two dropdown: parent + grandparent
If there is only two post types + one relationship, then you can only get one dropdown: parent.
Is there any special reason for it: How would I do that if I only need 2 for Course Overview and Courses?