Hi Timothy,
I suspect that these posts are saving to a non checkbox , radio or select field. This issue has come up before and we've taken it up with our team again to have some API implemented for this exact scenario.
Can you confirm that you've made the feature request? As this will also help to push our development team for this.
I would suggest that we use taxonomies.
So what you will need to do is go to Types -> Taxonomy and create the custom taxonomy called Coach Speciality and then assign that taxonomy to the CPT.
Next you will go into that custom taxonomy on the post by going to CPT -> Coach Speciality and populate the taxonomy with the options.
Finally this code here.
[cred_generic_field type='checkboxes' field='coach-specialties']
"options":[{"value":"111","label":"School counselors"},{"value":"222","label":"Career counselor"},{"value":"333","label":"Rehabilitation counselor"},{"value":"444","label":"Mental health counselor"},{"value":"555","label":"Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselor"},{"value":"666","label":"Marriage and family therapist"}]
Given that you've named your taxonomy terms exactly as you have it here you will need to change the value of each of these items in options to the ID of the term.
The term ID can be found in the URL when you go to edit each individual term.
Example URL would be.
Notice you see the tag_ID=35, this would mean it is the ID of the term i am editing.
So how this would look in code now would be
wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $_POST['coach-specialties'], 'taxonomy-slug-goes-here');
Now you will replace the "taxonomy-slug-goes-here" with the slug of the created taxonomy in Types.
Please let me know if this was clear.