I am trying to create a layout template for a CPT called "Persons".
On desktop, I want to show a photo of the person, then his/her name as h2, then under it his/her job title.
then on mobile, i want to show the name at the top, then the job title, then the image.
(Please refer to the attached screenshot 01.jpg).
I added 2 visual editor blocks to the row, one for the title and one for the image, and added the title and featured image shotcodes from the documentation (please refer to the attached screenshot 02.jpg).
however, the result shows the Person's name on the top, then his image under it on desktop, and all floated right. please check this test page:
hidden link
my question is: how to use the row comonents to show items side by side?
Sorry, the Bootstrap was turned off.