Hello, i was created the view layout 2 weeks ago. Today i wanna try to edit some post types and so the view. But i found that the setting is different. I couldn't call the custom post type and it's made my view data on page didn't show. Did i do some mistake setting that i didn't realize?
So then, I trying to create the view like image attached, but i found it's not responsive.
1. How to change the grid number for different device?
2. How to make the filter result grid is stabil and keep on 4 grid even though the result only found 1 or 2 data?
Hi there,
According to your screenshot you used a "table" HTML tag which is not responsive by its nature. Please consider that handling the style of the view is something that you should manage.
Toolset gives an opportunity to load the Boostrap library and then you will be able to use Bootstrap code.
Please read the documentation below to know how you can set Toolset to use Bootstrap instead of table that you used:
Finally, I suggest that you read the documentation below to get the hang of what Toolset VFiews does when you want to generate front-end content:
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!