I am trying to:
Just use the default wordpress search with Relevannssi. Both are VERY important on our site.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see:
Search results within the theme. At worse, the search would show no results. Instead we get gobbledygook.
Instead, I got:
Gobbledygook with no theme layout. It neither falls back to theme, nor will it use a custom search view.
Well, that looks like the output of a var_dump();
Somewhere you have this code in your theme or plugins and it prints the objects of the posts.
Please deactivate the Theme and use a native fresh copy of Theme Twenty Seventeen, then all plugins that are not from Toolset.
If the problem then persists, re-upload all Toolset Plugins.
By then the issue should be gone for sure, as that code is most likely added manually somewhere - and that should not be added by Toolset.
I'm not sure what a var_dump is and I can't turn off the theme and test the problem because the search button comes from the theme. I'm using GeneratePress. The problem only happens when I have BOTH Toolset and Relevanssi activated.
I've tried turning off all the plugins except for the theme and Toolset. And I've tried several combinations. This is what I know:
1) Search results appear normal with Generate Press + Toolset
2) Search results appear normal with Generate Press + Relevanssi
3) Search results are broken with Generate Press + Relevanssi + Toolset
The var_dump() is a PHP function:
hidden link
var_dump — Dumps information about a variable
And the problem you mentioned above is abnormal, please provide a database dump file (ZIP file) of your website in below private detail box, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks
Thanks for the details, I am downloading the files, will feedback if there is anything found
I have tried your database dump file, with a fresh wordpress installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins + Relevanssi plugin + Generate Press theme,
there isn't similar problem, I get 404 error in the URL hidden link
Then I have tried to search the key word rink direct:
hidden link
It works fine, I get two item in the result. see screenshot rink.JPG
So it should be a compatibility/server problem of your website, have you tried to switch to original Generate Press theme?
if you still need assistance for it, please provide a test site with the same problem, I need to debug it in a live website. thanks
You are using 30 plugins and a custom theme in your website, I need your permission to deactivate plugins and switch theme, please backup your website first.
We have a complete backup. You have my permission to deactivate plugins and switch themes.
It should be a problem of Relevanssi plugin, I have tried these in your website:
Deactivate and delete Relevanssi plugin, install Relevanssi plugin again, the search shows no results:
hidden link
Can you confirm it? thanks
We already took all those same steps before we reached out for help if the first place. You are only duplicating our own efforts now. The search results are still showing all the var_dump code.
When Beda replied they were the ones who said it was var_dump code and told exactly us what steps to take. I just need help with those steps because the search button goes away if we turn off the theme.
The other thing that you seem to be ignoring is that if we turn off toolset and keep Relevansii turned on, the problem goes away. So it's not just ONLY problem with Relevanssi as you said. The problem is between Relevansii AND Toolset.
Can you PLEASE show this to Beda and get them to help you figure out what we should do? This site was supposed to be launched already.
If we cannot make the WordPress search work with Toolset + Relevansii, is it possible to replace the WordPress search in the menu and tell it to use the Toolset search instead?
I only know how to make a Toolset Search widget in a widget area. I don't know how I can add Toolset search to the menu.
BTW: I just had to do a complete site restore from a backup. Many sidebar widgets have disappeared since you started working on stuff.
Heck, now we couldn't even roll back to a previous version. The admin buttons were completely missing in the pop-up windows on the back-end. I noticed this in Toolset when working on views the other day and now in UpDraft Plus when trying to click the "restore" button. Both "restore" and "cancel" buttons were gone.
When I turned off Toolset the buttons came back in UpDraft Plus and we got the restore to work. Something is seriously wrong with Toolset.
I really think ALL of this started when we ran a Toolset update about a week ago.
I have checked your website again, by below steps:
1) Upgrade to the latest version of Types plugin 3.0
2) Deactivate all other plugins and switch to the original "GeneratePress" theme,
3) Dashboard-> Settings-> Relevanssi-> Indexing
click the button "Build the index"
4) Test it in front-end:
see it in your website: hidden link
I see there are there items in the result, and the original problem of this thread is fixed. see screenshot: search.JPG
Can you confirm it?
And I have already tried your database dump file:
Same as above, there isn't similar problem in my localhost, so it should be a compatibility problem, those codes should be outputted from other plugins or your custom theme.
And I need to duplicate the same problem in my localhost, then escalate this thread to our 2nd tier supporters, the information you provided is not enough, please provide a duplicator package of the problem website,
You can put it into your own google drive disk, and share the link in the "private detail box", I need to duplicate same problem and debug it in my localhost, thanks
So the original problem of this thread is resolved:
Gobbledygook with no theme layout. It neither falls back to theme, nor will it use a custom search view.
Can you confirm it?
for the new problem:
1) WP Posts AND custom post types (Location) MUST show in search results when Toolset Layouts are active.
2) The actions that have been taken to resolve the var_dump problem has caused BROKEN LINKS for all of the Location Category menu items in the Primary Menu. (ex: hidden link)
Can we open other tickets for the new problems? That will help other users to find the answers.