2 Days and 9 hours and no response is UNACCEPTABLE when asking for an email to include within WordPress, perhaps this needs to be elevated to the next tier?
This is more time critical than ever this site must be functional by years end, so that we can move forward with our next WordPress site again using Toolset. This site plays into the next, both as a familiarization of your software and it's ability to get us the results we've long needed.
Waqar, if you are not the guy to get me here please put me in touch with your next tier so that I can meet my deadline.
Thank you,
Hi Lance,
It is always our top priority to sort out the customer's concern or issue, in the shortest possible time. Everything that needs to be escalated to the next tier, it is passed on right away.
If you'll review this particular thread, you'll see that progress halted, because unfortunately the username and password that was provided each time, didn't work.
Your last message was replied within hours and in case you've missed it, it should be available when you'll click "Show private message" ( screenshot: hidden link ).
I'm still waiting for confirmation that the email shared in the message ( screenshot: hidden link ) has been registered as a user on the website.
If I can get access to the admin area today, I'm confident that together, we can get this issue resolved, by end of this week.
Apologies I did not see the private message, the email provided has been registered in WP, you should have received an email with the new info already, if not I can resend it.
Hi Lance,
Thank you for adding the email address to the user account and I was able to reset the password and access the admin area, successfully.
I noticed that your view "View 3" was set to show all the listings items. I add a query filter to show only listings which were connected to the service taxonomy in the parent view "View 2a" ( screenshot: hidden link ) and now only related listings are showing under each service title.
( page: hidden link )
Before: hidden link
After: hidden link
I hope this helps.
So I like the new outcome of this ( page: hidden link ) however, there is one minor problem where under the first Service Candy/Sweets, the businesses are not alphabetized, as I desired. I have the results set to Ascending to have them alphabetize logically. What am I missing here?
Hi Lance,
Glad you like how the page has progressed.
I noticed that the shortcode to load the child view (View 3) was incorrectly passing on the "orderby" attribute value:
( screenshot: hidden link )
[wpv-view name="view-3" orderby="types field='business-name'" order="asc"]
I've updated it to use the filed slug correctly and the ordering in now fixed:
[wpv-view name="view-3" orderby="field-business-name" order="asc"]
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-shortcodes/#vf-154377 )
Note: Since the view "View 3" itself is already set to order the listings based on the "Business Name" field ( screenshot: hidden link ), you can also use the shortcode simply as:
Thank you for catching my errors, that I couldn’t see... Now if I want to create this view (View 3) as say each of the 10 counties, could I simply go back and use the view I made for hidden link and remove the county or service search to show listings by service or county?
In other words if I want two distinct pages one that lists services by county (a county page), and alternatively one that lists single services (a service page). Does that make sense?
Hi Lance,
When you mention "a service page", I assume you mean the page which shows listings under the relevant service heading.
( hidden link )
And from "a county page" you mean a page which shows listings under the relevant county heading.
If my assumptions are correct, you can follow these steps:
1. Create a duplicate of the view "View 2a" and in "Content Selection" of this new view, set taxonomy type to "Counties".
( screenshot: hidden link )
2. Next, you can duplicate the child view "View 3" and update its query filter type to use "Counties", instead of "Services".
( screenshot: hidden link )
3. Lastly, you can add your parent view (i.e. copy of View 2a) into a new page which will act as a county page and also update the name of the nested view to match the name of the new child view (i.e. copy of View 3).
( screenshot: hidden link )
I hope this helps.
Yes and no, I'm trying to solve the issue of multiple pages by using the dynamics of the database, my first attempt was with
hidden link (which displays well with the one exception of not showing the business names in ascending order)
If I could blend "list" & "listooa", I think I might have a single page that provides the necessary output (maybe just for admins).
In other words having "list" show the services titles and a break similar to "listooa" as well as a counties title and break, if possible (although that might entail endless pages if it all were on one page), perhaps a county selector only, showing services in the selected county or all by not selecting?
You are correct that "listooa" shows the services alphabetically without regard to what county they are in
If I continue on a two page format one for counties (look at hidden link in wp-admin) and one for services that would as you suggest reverse the taxonomy filter, and instead name counties, it would still need to have the service heading, if that makes sense.
I may choose to keep the "list" page as an overall list for admins. Is there a way to have a field/box that quantifies the total listings?
Thanks you for your help, I know that patience is a virtue, that I don't have much of and you seem to have more, your help in understanding this is invaluable....
PS. I tried your suggestion, but might have missed something as I get nothing displayed on viewing the page "listoob" or hidden link
Disregard my PS, I did get hidden link to work but, how would I add the service titles too?
Hi Lance,
From your recent message, I understand that you're now planning to show listings first under the county heading and then under the service type heading, all on a single page.
For example:
County 1
> Service 1
-- Listings
-- Listings
> Service 2
-- Listings
-- Listings
County 2
> Service 1
-- Listings
-- Listings
> Service 2
-- Listings
-- Listings
To achieve this, I've added following changes and the result can be seen on the page at:
hidden link
1. First, I passed on the current county taxonomy's slug value to the "View 2a", by adding it as an attribute in the shortcode at "View 4a".
( screenshot: hidden link )
2. Next, in the "View 2a", I passed on that same slug value to next child view "View 3".
( screenshot: hidden link )
3. Lastly, in the final view "View 3" which actually shows the listings, I used that passed on slug value, as a filter for the county taxonomy, along with the services one.
( screenshot: hidden link )
Note: the extra/empty spaces on the page ( screenshot: hidden link ) are coming from the "Search and Pagination" section of the "View 3".
You can remove the extra content from there and just keep:
[wpv-filter-start hide="false"]
I like this however, it should not show empty services, See attached Image as example..
Like the counties currently deficit of entries don't show, just ones with actual data. I don't want to be posting up dead Services without data...
And perhaps you can help me find the added s in the no items found and eliminate that.
Hi Lance,
I noticed that you've already fixed the extra "s" from the "no items found" message.
To show only those counties and services, which have any listing, you can follow these steps:
1. Add a special div container with class "county-wrapper" around the content in the "View 4a":
( screenshot: hidden link )
<div class="county-wrapper">
[wpv-view name="view-2a" county="[wpv-taxonomy-slug]"]
2. Add a special div container with class "service-wrapper" around the content in the "View 2a":
( screenshot: hidden link )
<div class="service-wrapper">
[wpv-view name="view-3" orderby="field-business-name" order="asc" county="[wpv-attribute name='county']"]
3. Add a special div container with class "listing-wrapper" around the content in the "View 3":
( screenshot: hidden link )
<div class="listing-wrapper">
<p><strong>[types field='business-name'][/types]</strong> <em>(since [types field="start-year"][/types])</em> [types field="street-po-box"][/types], [types field="city"][/types], [types field="state"][/types] [types field="zip-code"][/types] [types field="phone"][/types] [types field="email-address"][/types]</p>
4. Once all listings have their own wrappers, you can add the following script in "JS editor" tab of "Loop Editor" section in "View 4a".
( screenshot: hidden link )
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
// hide all county and service elements
// show only those counties which have any listing
jQuery( "div.county-wrapper:has(.listing-wrapper)" ).show();
// show only those services which have any listing
jQuery( "div.service-wrapper:has(.listing-wrapper)" ).show();
That worked superbly. My next step will be creating the user membership, and tying each ad to a user. Not sure if this will require a separate ticket, but personally see a value i allowing folks like myself to follow the flow all the way through on one instead of searching for others, unless a link to the next can be included in this ticket. Your thoughts, please?
Hi Lance,
Glad that you like the final result.
To learn about using Toolset for membership website, we have a detailed guide series at:
As per our support policy ( https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/ ), only one issue/question can be addressed through a support ticket. Long threads can add up to the complexity of the matter, making the relevant information hard to find. This can make it difficult for readers to stay focused and interested.
You're welcome to open a new ticket for a different question or concern - we're here to help.