I am moving from a Drupal install to a WordPress. I have attempted to us the supplied documentation as well as the forum, but did not see this issue specifically. An example of a console error we are seeing: [Wed Jan 08 13:49:48.035351 2020] [php7:notice] [pid 1775] [client] WordPress database error Table 'wp_tcvarchive.wp_toolset_relationships' doesn't exist for query SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wp_toolset_relationships` /* From [tcvarchive.wpengine.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php] in [/nas/content/live/tcvarchive/wp-content/plugins/fg-drupal-to-wp-premium/admin/class-fg-drupal-to-wp-toolset.php:508] */ made by do_action('wp_ajax_fgd2wpp_import'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, FG_Drupal_to_WordPress_Admin->ajax_importer, FG_Drupal_to_WordPress_Admin->dispatch, FG_Drupal_to_WordPress_Admin->import, do_action('fgd2wp_pre_import'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, FG_Drupal_to_WordPress_Custom_Content->register_custom_content, FG_Drupal_to_WordPress_Toolset->register_post_types_relations, FG_Drupal_to_WordPress_Toolset->add_toolset_relationship, referer: hidden link. Currently this is blocking the transfer of more articles needed for the client.
Plugins being used:
- FG Drupal to WordPress Premium
- Latest version of Toolset
Version 1.65.1
The link to the website is: hidden link
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Dear Bobby,
In your debug logs, there is a database table missing in your website.
WordPress database error Table 'wp_tcvarchive.wp_toolset_relationships' doesn't exist
Please check these:
1) Make sure your web server satisfies Toolset requirements:
Especially, this one:
MySQL 5.6 and above.
2) Make sure you are using the latest version Toolset Types plugin, you can download it here:
3) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Relationships
Check if there is any PHP errors, and you can make new post type relationship in your website
Then test again, check if the problem is fixed.