Hi Michael, this is Beda, we have had contact in past already.
I was helping Shane in our 2nd Support Level on this, and decided to step in directly because I feel you need A) a solution and B) I have problems replicating the issue.
I will also answer several questions that are left unanswered until now.
1. This Bug was as you correctly recognized reported, and then fixed by a release.
2. The Release in which this has been fixed, has been fixed in CRED 1.9, but unfortunately, we never got a confirmation from the actual users. We confirmed the issue as fixed on our QA steps thou, and I cannot replicate this problem anymore.
3. The issue was, that when you had a success message, or anything else that added URL parameters to the URL when a CRED form was submitted, and you had Media, which matched that URL parameter by ID, then this media was rendered in the target URL and the email sent.
- You have a media element with ID 3344589983
- The CRED URL parameter target "? _target =" (target redirection) might match exclusively once with that Media ID - or several times.
- In that case, it sent the media.
The same might happen to the "?_tt" parameter (success message)
This also explains why it appears only shortly.
I refer with this to your statement that this issue happened on your install just a few hours.
Theoretically, this is because after, the ID's already increased by so much (both Media and "?_tt=" parameter), that it could not match anymore and hence the bug disappears.
For "?_target=" this is not valid thou, here the BUG should appear always, unless the media is deleted, since this URL parameter is not changing.
That would mean, the bug isn't solved.
I am continuing to try to replicate this on your very copy of the site.
I will deploy it online for us to work on it together.
For now, if this issue still is happening for you, can you:
- confirm the issue still happens on your site, as a replicable bug
- remove the Success message in CRED. This is a temporary fix. But it should (If the bug is still present) solve the problem.
As soon I have a live instance of the site, I will try again to replicate it.
If I fail, I will ask you for some help, as I eventually miss details.
If I succeed, I will report it immediately to the Developers.
The BUG, back then, was not due to any Theme hook, but a simple BUG in CRED.
Which, as stated, should be fixed and is not replicable just yet.
But since you report this problem for 2 sites, as you say, it already proves there is something wrong. We just need to find it.
For now, the above workaround should solve the immediate issue.
I will Feedback ASAP with news.