Tell us what you are trying to do?
I've CPT called Look Book which has many-to-many relationship with 'Products' CPT
Relationship Name is: 'Look Books Products' (slug: look-book-product)
Some of the products have associated post from Look Book CPT.
I have a view that i want to filter and show only those products which have associated look book items.
PFA screenshot.
p.s.: Please note i don't want nested view. I only want to filter products have look book items.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I would suggest setting the view to query the intermediary post type of the relationship, and inside of the loop use the item-attribute or the dynamic sources(using blocks) to display the parent product post.
Note that you might have duplicated products, especially those linked to more than one Look Book post.
Otherwise, you can implement a custom code solution using the Toolset Relationship API, or our extension to the WP_Query arguments:
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Jamal,
I'm still confused and can't comprehend how to implement this.
I've already created a view that queries products.
I just want to find out if there exists a relationship. i..e I only want to pull the products that have associations.
I've a problem which is opposition of the problem over here:
In the above code, it excludes posts with specific relationship. I want code which only 'includes' posts with specific relationship.
You can use a similar code to that example
By changing lines 25-27. Instead of including only the post that do not have related posts, include only the ones that have a related post.
if( ! empty($products) ){
$include_ids[] = $showroom->ID; // push the related project IDs into this array
Does it make sense?