I bought GeneratePress premium specifically to use with toolset. But i met a problem.
I do not know how to create a full width container on my custom single page.
Please, check screenshots for more understanding my problem.
hidden link
hidden link
Full width container very popular things in web dev, I realy bealive what exist simple way create him with GP + Toolset, but i dont know how.
Second problem. In archives layouts setting, field "Page Builder Container" is absent. I do not know why, and how to do full width archives
hidden link
Please help
Dear serhiiK,
Since I don't have a copy of GeneratePress premium in my localhost, so I tried the free version, download from:
And I can see the same problem, there are some CSS padding style from bootstrap CSS file, you can override it by this:
Dashboard-> Appearance-> Customize-> Additional CSS
Add below CSS codes:
.full-width-content div.container{
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
And test again
Thanks, it is works. But I still have the problem with archive full width...
Is there a probability, what will you fix the problem with the full width of the container in the next updates toolset?
As you can see it needs custom CSS codes, I am not sure how do you setup the archive page, if you still need assistance for it, please provide a live problem page URL, I can test and debug it in my chrome browser.
For the question:
what will you fix the problem with the full width of the container in the next updates toolset?
If you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
>If you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
yes, please. I will very waiting fixing this problem
> As you can see it needs custom CSS codes, I am not sure how do you setup the archive page, if you still need assistance for it, please provide a live problem page URL, I can test and debug it in my chrome browser.
I am developing my web site localy, so i can not provide a live problem page URL
Please, watch again this screenshot - hidden link
Right side (layout is used for the post type) - option "Page builder container" is present
Left side (layout is used for the loops) - option "Page builder container" is absent
Yes, you are right, there isn't such an option "Page builder container" in archive layout, if you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
> if you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it
Yes, please, I am very waiting
I did meet the same problem, could you please expedite the issue fixing if possible, It can't create full-width rows on Layout. only contained.