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[Resolved] Problem with activating and displaying Full width Layout with Divi/Extra Theme

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This support ticket is created 7 years, 2 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.
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This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Beda 7 years, 2 months ago.

Assisted by: Beda.

Toolset Layout - Divi-Extra Fullwidth problem 2.jpg
Toolset Layout - Divi-Extra Fullwidth problem.jpg


I am trying to: Activate Divi/Extra theme to allow the Toolset Layout fullwidth display of CPT single page.

I visited this URL: hidden link

I expected to see: Fullwidth display of the custom post.

Instead, I got: A sidebar page. (Please see attached screenshot).

In the backend Edit layout page I see the following message (Please see attached screenshot):

"This layout displays in 'the content' area
If you want to design layouts for the entire page, you need to integrate Layouts into the theme"

However, the linked page addresses parent child layouts and not theme integration.

Further, this post: states that the integration plugin is no longer necessary.

I've watched the video and cannot find a way to integrate Divi/Extra to enable the full width Layout option.

Please advise on how to accomplish this.



DIVI and EXTRA are not the same themes, and while we integrate with DIVI, we do not integrate EXTRA.

And currently I am awaiting a big decision from the Management about this Theme.

See this thread:

EXTRA overrides native Bootstrap Classes, and the current only solution is to either let Toolset load bootstrap in Toolset > Settings, and then recreate all templates with Toolset Layouts, or NOT load the Boostrap, but then Layouts and some features in Views will NOT work as they will not receive the Bootstrap styles and JS.

I assume, your issue is exactly the same as in the other thread, which you actually also commented.

The integration of DIVI will provide you with several Cells that are coming from DIVI Theme specific features.
When you do not use the integrations, you will be able to edit the_content part with Toolset Layouts.

I suggest we close this here and keep the other thread as the main one?

If you don't agree of course I can also update you here on the process.


Thanks for the follow-up Beda. I thought this was a related but distinctive issue and didn't see this as a generic "Toolset is not integrated with Extra theme" issue. Since Extra is an extension of Divi and uses the Divi Builder I assume it should behave like Divi with Toolset - which is why I submitted a different ticket.

Specifically, Toolset is telling me I need to activate theme integration, but (a) the referenced link says nothing about how to enable or activate integration, and (b), the latest Toolset announcement regarding Divi integration says the integration plugin is not required.

Net-net: I thought this was a specific enough problem to warrant its own ticket; but I'll follow your judgment on whether this is the same issue as the other ticket and proceed accordingly.

Please advise.


Bootstrap Col Full Width - No Header and Footer.jpg
Bootstrap Col Full Width - Parent Header and Footer Layout.jpg
Bootstrap Col Full Width - Parent Layout Assignment.jpg
Bootstrap Col Full Width - Parent Layout With Primary Navigation.jpg
Bootstrap Col Full Width - Parent Layout Without Primary Navigation.jpg

Hi Beda,

I believe I made a little progress; but ran into another issue with layout Divi/Extra integration.

I added the Divi Integration plugin and that appeared to solve the full width problem. However, the single page template does not show the Divi/Extra header and footer. Please see attached screenshot.

To add a header and footer I created and assigned a parent layout with header (logo and primary navigation) and a placeholder for the footer. Please see attached screenshot.

However, after assigning the parent layout, I receive the following error (see screenshot):

Fatal error: Call to undefined function et_divi_get_top_nav_items() in /srv/bindings/b070cf5eb5b54d3a96d4f9f9c7915a5b/code/wp-content/plugins/layouts-divi/application/layouts/cell/view/primary_navigation.php on line 2

Deleting the Primary Navigation gets rid of the error; but the logo is not displayed. See attached screenshot.

I'm not sure if this is just another example of the fact that Divi integration does not enable Extra integration .. or if there is a problem with the new Divi integration that is not supposed to require the Divi integration plugin.

I'm happy to provide backend access to allow you to examine the configuration if required.




Hi Beda, I hope your week is off to a great start.

Any follow-up on this topic is appreciated.

The error message shared in my last message suggests a really big issue with Extra theme integration.

Do you have any thiughts on this or feedback from your devs and management on the broader issue?



Yes, I am back now.

1. The DIVI integration is not obsolete.
I honestly have no idea why we state so on the Documentation and I already reported this.

The DIVI integration provides things that DIVI Theme uses.
This integration has not to be used on any other theme.
The integration is not needed if you just want to design the_content() with Layouts and do not use the DIVI specific Cells.
It is required, but planned to be integrated in the core of Layouts.
So in future, this won't be needed.

But for now, I can assure you, as you will be able to confirm with your own tests, the DIVI integration provides things that work only with DIVI and is required for a full design.
If you just want to design the_content() you do not need it.

2. The wrong linking is probably a BUG or due to a misintegration as nowadays, integrating Layouts fully needs an addiotional function in your Theme (if you want to design the whole templates, without using any integration):

I will test this thoroughly and eventually file a BUG report or feedback to you.

3. Once again, DIVI and EXTRA are two different themes and we do not integrate EXTRA with any add-on Plugin, no matter what might or might not work with it, Toolset Layouts DIVI integration Plugin is to use with DIVI theme and nothing else.
If you just want to design the content without any Theme related cells, you don't need it, if you want to design all the Template and use DIVI cells, you need it.

4. As far I understand with DIVI all is fine, and with EXTRA all is not fine.
For that, I still suggest to keep following the other thread mentioned:

I will update that thread in short with some news BTW.

Please let me know any issue or follow up questions you might have!


Thanks for the follow-up Beda.

The comprehensive overview is informative but here is what I need:

1. Create single page and archive page templates for CPTs using Toolset

2. Integrate these templates into a site that uses the Extra theme

3. If possible use theme defined header and footer on the generated pages

Please advise on the best way to accomplish these objectives using Toolset.



1. Create single page and archive page templates for CPTs using Toolset

Single Pages are created by Types if you refer to a Custom Post.
They are style with Content Templates or the Layout for contents, not the Template Layouts if you do not want to style Sidebars, Headers and so on, but only the content.
For this, Layouts is not really needed, as you can also do it with Views and Types only.

Archives can be created with Views.
Layouts again here is only needed if you would need to style the whole template.

2. Integrate these templates into a site that uses the Extra theme

This is done automatically if:
You use Views and Types only and style the_content() only or create an Archive with Views, it will apply on the archives.

If you use Layouts, and DIVI, you must use the DIVI integration if you want to style the whole Template, or, if you do only want to style the_content(), then you don't need the integrations, but you know about the issue with the EXTRA theme, where we are working on.

3. If possible use theme defined header and footer on the generated pages

So you will not use Layouts to style the whole template.
You don't need to integrate it in this case, but any theme customising Bootstrap native classes will break with this.
This is what we work on as mentioned in the other thread.

People CPT Single Post Template.png

Thanks for the follow-up Beda. I apologize but I am not following the terminology so I am not sure what can be done without using Layouts.

To make my requirements clear, I have attached an illustration of what I need to accomplish with the template for the "People" CPT single post view:

1. I want to register this Toolset template as the view that is rendered when a site visitor clicks on a person link

2. The rendered page should show the site header and footer from the theme and the person's data should be pulled from the db and rendered on the page between the site header and site footer using this Toolset template

3. The template content area is full width and completely rendered by toolset. It will be structured into two columns: "Sidebar" and "Content"

4. The Sidebar column will be divided into areas showing content from fields and taxonomy terms of the People CPT, and content from fields of other content types

5. The Content column will be divided into areas showing the post featured image and content in other fields from the People CPT

Please see the attached illustration.


1. Can this be accomplished without using Layouts?
2. If yes, what Toolset feature: Views, Content Templates, or something else?

If this requires Layouts, then I may need to recreate the site in Divi if the fix for Extra and Layouts will take a long time to be delivered.

Thanks for all of your help Beda.



With Toolset Layouts you can, without using any integration code or Plugin, edit the_content() part of the DIVI (or any other) theme.

With DIVI especifically you can do that, and you can use Parent/Child Layouts, something that you cannot do, when you use any other theme that is not integrated.

You can not edit sidebars, headers, footers, or whatever that is NOT part of the_content().
If you want to do that, you need a programmatical integration.

Let me resume:

1. Any theme, not listed on our "Integrated Themes" list:
- you can edit the_content() part with Layouts Content Editor or a Layout created under Toolset > Layouts (and assign to a post/page or all of them).
In any case, Layouts will replace/edit the_content() part.
You can not Use Parent/Child Layouts.

I already filed all issues that actually happen, such as that you are able to insert Child Cells, but they will not work.

Once again, ANY theme that is not integrated in any way, you can edit the_content() with the Layouts drag and drop feature.
You can not use Parent/Child Layouts but only directly assigned Layouts or the Content layout Editor in the single Post Edit Screen.

2. Any Theme listed as integrated (and by now, this is only DIVI) without any Integration Plugin:
You can do everything you can do as in #1, but you can also use Parent/Child Layouts.
Everything still only applies to the_content().
Nothing else can be edited with Layouts.
Header, footer, sidebars and so on still are determined by the theme.

3. Full integration, which means, you can edit Header, Footer, Sidebar, and whatnot, requires elaborated Custom Code integration for which I can give an example Theme:
hidden link
Please read the inline Comments there carefully, I spent a lot more time commenting my code than actually coding it 🙂
It is a very SIMPLE, MINIMAL Theme that FULLY integrates Layouts and even lets you choose DYNAMICALLY if you want to use it or not (even if enabled on site).

This are the 3 situations you can have.
There is a 4th situation, and that is when the Theme does not use the_cotent() but a Custom Function, and/or customozes Bootstrap classes.
Such a case is EXTRA.

TO answer your questions:
Layouts, used with DIVI and no Integration, will basically do the same as a Content Template does, but of course Layouts has a bit more power, such as Drag And Drop, Accordions, Tabs, and what not.
Those things, are not present natively in Content Templates.

I hope, things are clear now.
I made extensive tests yesterday, on which I base my above information.

I know, there are sever issues with messages, how we name things, and even some bugs such as wrong links and worngly present cells that are not to use in some cases (as elaborated above).
All those issues have been reported by now.

I also know (and reported) that the current Layout Plugin is pretty confusing, specially when you try to understand the difference of Template and Content Layouts.
Also this is reported and I suggested several edits and adjustements.

I was Toolset Client (User) in past, and I am still an User, means, I still do develop Websites with Toolset as a "End User".
So, I can afford to say, I can look at it from your point of View.
I see what you see, I don't only see what a Developer sees.
With this I want to say, I suggested things to be changed, that will only be obvious to an USER and not to a Developer, becuase a Developer usually, well, develops the code but does not really "use" the Plugin (even thou, of course, it is tested and all that).
But onla an End User is a proper "usabiltiy tester".

And that is what I spent my day yesterday with.

So, I hope I could explain everything clearly now, and I reported several(!) issues.

Anything, I am around until tomorrow, then 2 days weekend (see my profile:
So, feel free to ask/feedback anytime.

Thank you for your kind patience.


Hi Beda,

Thank you. I appreciate all the details you provided and you looking at this from a user perspective. This is very helpful and I know this will help the devs make Toolset even better. But I still do not have a clear understanding of how to solve the problem.

Can you tell me simply (yes or no) if the specific requirements I outlined in my previous reply ( can be achieved with the *Extra theme* and Toolset ?

I provided a description and illustration of what I am trying to accomplish (create a two column single post layout that uses the Extra theme header and footer). Can you just reply to the five items I outlined? This will help me to decide if I need to look for another solution.


Thanks again for all you do. It is very much appreciated.


1. Can this be accomplished without using Layouts?

Because, Content Templates replace the_content() only.
So you can very well display the Content of the Post and customise it with Cotent Templates, but, you cannot change the Sidebar, as that is something not related to the content at all.
This means, you would keep seeing every element provided by the Theme, and will be able to customise/display anything you want with Toolset inside the_content() part.

This does not depend on the Theme at all by the way.

2. If yes, what Toolset feature: Views, Content Templates, or something else?

This would be usually done with Content Templates.
Content Templates can hold anything you put into them and will replace the Content (also known as post body)
Views can be inserted any where you want, but usually, also they will be put inside the content.
We have 2 Widgets for Views as well, that you can use to display the Views in a Widgetized area.

More info on this is here:

Also this is not theme dependant.

Let me know if anything is not clear.

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