I am trying to: Searching Texts in Custom Fields with Views and Relevanssi
There are only two choices in the Create a search for this custom search.
The 3rd one ( Title,body and custom fields) which is seen in your documentation is not displayed.
I followed the instructions ( custom fields set , Relevanssi setting ).
I attached two images. one for my screen shot, another for your documentation image.
Dear insooJ,
You are using "Relevanssi Premium" plugin + Views plugin + some other custom plugins, we need to check if there is any other compatibility problem in your website, please check these:
1) make sure you are following our document to setup the Views and filters:
section "Integration With The Native Search Results"
2) Deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again.
If the problem still exists, please provide a downloadable URL for the "Relevanssi Premium" plugin, I need to duplicate same problem and debug it in my localhost, thanks
Thanks for the details, I am download the file, and will feedback if there is anything found
I can duplicate same problem in my localhost with the "Relevanssi Premium" plugin or ""Relevanssi Free" plugin, and escalated this thread to our 2nd tier supporters, will feedback if there is any news.
Please try these:
the option "Title,body and custom fields" has been moved to the "Query Filter" section, so the completed steps are below:
a) install and activate Types plugin
b) Follow our document to setup the Types custom fields and Relevanssi settings
c) Create a view, in section "Filter Editor", Click the Text search button, choose option "Post content and title", then there is a new filter added in the "Query Filter" section:
Filter post content and title by a text search that will be added manually using the shortcode [wpv-filter-search-box].
d) Edit above filter, you will be able to see the option "Title, body and custom fields", see screenshot: