Hello i think there is an important problem on my site. Example when i want to change picture on this post : hidden link
When i save picture are not the good pictures.
And also, when the publication date are not the good one i think there a link between the two problems.
Thanks for the details, I can login your website, please elaborate the question with more details"
When i save picture are not the good pictures.
What kind of good picture you want to see?
How can I see the it is not the picture? please describe detail steps to duplicate the same problem, thanks
The problem is with images slider. As you can see in my picture 1, i choose an image and in my picture 2 after saving, the image is not the same.
And as i have explaied, there is a problem with date, first when i make a publication programmes, the date is not automatically the day date and in the new picture too, the folder is 2017.
Thanks for the details, I please check the file name of the below images:
hidden link
hidden link
They are different images, and the only difference is that: one file name is lower case, anther is upper case, it conduct the unexpected result, I have tried these in your website:
1) Upload a new image with different file name:
hidden link
2) And use it as the image field, it works fine in admin side and front-end:
hidden link
hidden link