What does it mean exactly "is the custom post type a dynamic (post) or static (page) piece of content"? Can you give detailed concrete examples with the reasons why a type of content is dynamic (post) or static (page)?
I have already read other threads in the forum on the subject but instead of clarifying the point has put me even more in confusion.
London, Paris, and Milan are sub-pages of the Contact Us page.
Pages don't have an archive. There is no location such as site.com/pages/ which lists all of the pages on a site.
Posts (commonly know as blog posts) are not hierarchical, but they do have an archive, i.e. a list of all posts at a URL such as site.com/blog/
When you create a new post type it may have either of these settings, so you might create a "Projects" post type which is similar to Posts in that the posts are not hierarchical but it does have an archive, e.g. you can see a list of all Projects at the default URL of site.com/project/