Please explain why the numeral in the domain name does not work, as described in the following support note. Is it a Toolset issue or a general WordPress or WWW/DNS issue?
"You have URL without tld , you need to have domain name without digit as digit is not supported"
Languages: English (English )
Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - first of all, I see you are using really outdated PHP version. Please update your PHP version to at least PHP 6.x.x or PHP 7.x.x.
Now, regarding your issue, when you have URL without tld , you need to have domain name without digit as digit is not supported.
To save the above URL the workaround would be to change your domain name from langorigami5:8888 to langorigami:8888.
That should work and help you to resolve your issue.
Hello, my guess is that langorigami5 is treated as a TLD without a domain name, as opposed to a domain name without a TLD. ICANN once restricted TLD to alphabetic characters only except for IDN TLDs, the one with the form xn--something:
However, that is just a guess. Let me ask my developers for more information about the validation on URLs here. I will let you know what I find out.
I received feedback from our team, and I can confirm that the validation logic is built in to Toolset, not WordPress. As far as why it was written this way, I don't have any information about that. I've put in a request to adjust our validation to allow digits like this, and our developers will consider the request. For now, the best workaround is to not use digits, or to use full domain + TLD in localhost sites during testing. Please note that the validation issue applies to URL fields as well as image fields. I can keep you posted here as I receive more information about the issue from the developers.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!