I have a CPT called "Dogs." I need to list dogs filtered by a list of author ids, so I designed a view with a shortcode filter for author id. if I insert the following in a page it works: [wpv-view name="dogs-for-rosettes" author="135, 136"]
The list of author ids needs to be generated based on the current user. Each user has a custom field called primary-id which links them to other users in their family, one of which will have the same ID and primary-id. I created a shortcode to generate a list of comma-delimited user ids as follows:
//Create array of linked users
function crfcrc_linked_users(){
$linkedUsers = [];
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$userID = $current_user->ID;
$primaryID = get_user_meta($userID, 'wpcf-primary-id', true);
$user_query = new WP_User_Query( array( 'meta_key' => 'wpcf-primary-id', 'meta_value' => $primaryID ) );
// User Loop
if ( ! empty( $user_query->get_results() ) ) {
foreach ( $user_query->get_results() as $user ) {
$linkedUsers[] = $user->ID;
return $linkedUsers;
//END Create array of linked users
//Shortcode: Comma-delimitted list of linked users
function crfcrc_linked_users_cd() {
$linkedUserArray = crfcrc_linked_users();
$linkedUserCD = implode(", ", $linkedUserArray);
return $linkedUserCD;
add_shortcode('crfcrc-linked-users-cd', 'crfcrc_linked_users_cd');
//END Shortcode: Comma-delimitted list of linked users
If I just put my shortcode on the page it shows exactly what I expect: 135, 136
if I then try to add the view to a page using [wpv-view name="dogs-for-rosettes" author=[crfcrc-linked-users-cd]] what shows on the page is a single ] and nothing else. If I look in developer console, there is a comment "View not found." I have tried adding double-quotes around my shortcode, single-quotes around the shortcode, and adding a closing tag, [/crfcrc-linked-users-cd], and the only change is that I get "], '], or [/crfcrc-linked-users-cd]] instead of ]. I have also tried modifying the code above to remove the space in the Implode function, but that didn't seem to help.
Is what I am trying to do possible? I have used Types shortcodes in this fashion when adding a view to a view and it worked, so it seems like it should be. I have a feeling that I am missing some php escape sequence or something, I know I can create the list by coding it in PHP, but I am just starting to get the hang of Views and would like to get this to work. Can you point me in the right direction?
[wpv-view name="dogs-for-rosettes" author=[crfcrc-linked-users-cd]] would be wrong, it should be:
[wpv-view name="dogs-for-rosettes" author="[crfcrc-linked-users-cd]"]
Additionally, you should make sure to register your Custom ShortCode in Toolset > Settings > FrontEnd Content > Third-party shortcode arguments.
That should solve the issue
I had a feeling it was something easy. I must have been searching on the wrong keywords because I hadn't seen that part of the documentation before.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you! Have a great rest of the weekend!