I am trying to:
set up a pagination solution for my News page
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see:
The number of pages on the bottom with arrows to navigate to next or previous pages.
Instead, I got:
The link that you have shared returned 404 error hidden link, I checked the other link for the news hidden link which seems to be using Pagination with Infinite Scrolling transition, If you are using Infinite Scrolling, you cannot add pagination controls, because the pages are being loaded automatically.
In the pagination option change the translation to fade or something different than infinite scrolling once done you will be able to see the Pagination Controls in the Search and pagination settings
Screenshot : hidden link
If the issue is something different with the pagination please feel free to share temp admin login details, so we can have a look, I have enabled private fields to securely share the access details.
I am checking the issue on your site, It seems like you are also working on the same view, As i can see the view filters are changed. To prevent unexpected results I kindly request you to wait for the response from our side if you are working are working on something important please let me know once you are done, so that i can resume from my end.
I have checked the issue by creating a new test view on your site at first the test view pagination displayed without any issues on the frontend, However as soon as i edited the page using YOOtheme builder the pagination does-not appear any more. I am suspecting the issue might be related to the theme as the next step I request you to update all the plugins and theme.
If the issue still exists after the update, It would be better if you can send me a snapshot copy of your site so that I can debug the issue further without disturbing your site,