FAO BEDA. BOT closed ticket! https://toolset.com/forums/topic/pagination-enabled-with-manual-transition-and-ajax-slow-on-first-transition-only/
Hi, sorry I didn't get any emails about this so missed it.
I'm not clear from the description if he's advising to check caching? I do use a caching plugin.
I think documentation would indeed be very useful - so people could make informed judgement calls on the best settings and what exactly the trade offs are.
Thank you for your help.
Also, the original support ticket said I could reply to it (see image) but won't let me. It's VERY annoying you can't re-open an existing call for a time limit of say a week.
Well, the "essence" of what the developers update me with is:
There is no win-win solution here.
If you use a cache plugin, I recommend to read this DOC:
For the problem that in a View you will always have a first time delay, when you load the page the first time and paginate, is expected.
Please let me know if you need more informations but the above, and I asked if we can prepare a DOC for the issue in particular (as stated in the other ticket.)
I think this will be at least useful to inform about expectations/issues.
Yes, I think I'm fine.
Further documentation would be very useful.
Not sure whether to close this call because of the documentation so I erred on the side of caution and left it open. Please close if you want to.
We can close it.
I have informed the developers to please if possible document this.
Thank you!