Hi, I'm having a problem with pagination. I've inserted default Pagination Controls following doc instructions (https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-pagination/), but there isn't any output if I add wpv-pager-nav-links shortcode. If I add wpv-pager-prev-page and wpv-pager-next-page I can see the two links, but they don't work. The items loop displays correctly the number of items I set on pagination settings.
I've also some search filters on the same view and I display search and results by two shortcodes in different positions on the same page.
I tested this on a staging site where I deactivated all the other plugins and I activated WP default theme.
1) can you help me?
2) should I add pager inside or otside [wpv-filter-controls]? It seems they update whan I select some filter on search.
3) What is the usage of [wpv-pagination][/wpv-pagination]?
4) How can I display search at the top of the page and pager at the bottom?
How do you setup the view? can you take a screnshot for it?
The [wpv-pager-prev-page] and [wpv-pager-next-page] shortcodes work for normal view.
if it is a Views wordpress archive, you will need to other pagination shortcodes:
Q1) can you help me?
Yes, of course
Q2) should I add pager inside or outside [wpv-filter-controls]? It seems they update whan I select some filter on search.
Yes, it is possible.
Q3) What is the usage of [wpv-pagination][/wpv-pagination]?
See our document:
This shortcode displays the pagination controls. The pagination controls will only be displayed if there are multiple pages to display
Q4) How can I display search at the top of the page and pager at the bottom?
You just need to put the pagination shortcodes in the bottom of section "Loop Editor", before the shortcode:
It should be able to work too.
Thnaks for the reply. I add a screenshot.
The output of the pager div is just empty:
<div class="nw-pager">
It is like there are not more pages, but I've added this code:
Showing [wpv-items-count] posts of [wpv-found-count] posts found.
And the output is:
Showing 6 posts of 41 posts found.
It is abnormal, please try these:
1) Make sure you are using the latest version of Toolset plugins, you are using Toolset Views, but the latest version is 2.7, you can download them here:
2) Follow our document to setup the view and paginations:
3) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2017, and test again
4) If the problem still persists, please provide database dump file(ZIP file) of your website, also point out the problem page URL and view URL, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks