If you look here hidden link
You will see a list of woocommerce products that are listed by Toolset. Two questions,
1: Is it possible to change the ordering of these products to a customer order, for example the current product that shows as #1 is pre set to appear in position #5 in the list? Or is the ordering of these items only possible with search elements as date uploaded, or date amended.
2: Depending on the above, what sets the ordering of the items, and where and how can this be changed.
Hi Luke,
Thank you for contacting us and I'll be happy to assist.
When showing content on front-end through Views, ordering, and sorting works independently.
Ordering: The website's admin, can set the default order of items, through the "Ordering" option.
( screenshot: hidden link )
When the page will load, items will show ordered by this criteria, by default.
Sorting: After the page has loaded, visitors can choose to sort the available items, ordered by different criteria, from the front-end.
For this, you'll need to add sorting controls into the view's "Search and Pagination" section, as explained in this guide:
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance.
In regards to ordering, can you confirm where the first screenshot you took is located, how do i get to that area? What are the options for ordering available?
The aim was to oder the products in a certain way - but maybe this isn't possible? as we may wish to do it in an ad-hoc manner, what I mean by this is that say on this page hidden link I may want the item that shows currently as item1, to imfact be listed as item 10.
Is this indeed possible?
Hi Luke,
Thanks for writing back.
The first screenshot was taken from the View's edit screen.
Please go to WP Admin -> Toolset -> Views and open the view with ID "1672".
(the list of products on page hidden link is being controlled from that view)
On this view's edit screen the "Ordering" option will be available, same as in my screenshot.
Note: if this option is not visible on the view's edit screen, please select its checkbox, from the "Screen Options" drawer at the top right corner.
( screenshot: hidden link )
Through this field, you can set order to either default WordPress fields like post title, published date, menu order etc or the custom fields attached to the posts.
Note: for absolute custom control over the order of these posts/products, you can select "Menu order" for the ordering field and then adjust menu order number value on each product's edit screen.
( screenshot: hidden link )
Hi, I was unable to find view '1672' which you refer to above? Also I tried menu order but this did not appear to work? Can you validate from your side? Does something need changing in '1672' first?
Hi Luke,
Can you please share the login details for the website's admin area, so that I can log in and see how the view is set?
You're welcome to share the information, in your next reply, which will be private, and only you and our support team will have access to it.
Important Note: Please backup your database and website before sharing the access information.
Hi Luke,
Thank you for sharing the login details.
I apologize for missing out earlier that the views attached to archive pages are available at:
WP Admin -> Toolset -> WordPress Archives.
There you'll see the view named "Archive: Products", which controls the products shown on the archive pages for products and Resource category taxonomy.
( here is a direct link: hidden link )
You can change the order of the posts from "Post date" to "Menu order", as shown in this screenshot:
hidden link
After that, you'll be able to set custom order, by setting menu order for individual products, as explained in my earlier message:
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!