I am trying to set up a user profile editing page. I have two user types. Individual and Group. I have created user edit profile form for them and have placed them both on a Member Profile page. Previously with Access, you could wrap content in a shortcode to restrict it based on who is logged in. How does one do this with the new block editor?
I'm assuming that you are referring to how you would restrict specific blocks correct?
Unfortunately you're not able to do this with our Access plugin, however you can make use of our Conditional block that you can check to see if the User id is not equal to empty. See Screenshot
If no user ID exists then this will consider it as the user being Logged out.
I am trying your conditional display idea. It seems as it could work. I've tried this, but it doesn't seem to show the form when an Individual member is logged in. Am I not using the right conditions?
I am currently developing the site locally, so I can't give you access at this time. I guess what I would like to understand is what conditions do I need to set so that when an "Individual" user logs in that the conditional block shows content that is for them? I would think that doing what is in the attached image would work, no?