There are lots of questions in this thread, I am trying to answer them one by one:
Q1) when creating a post type, will that post type have just one archive? or view?
One post type has one post type archive page, you can setup an Views wordpress archive to customize the archive page, see our document:
Q2) how do I accomplish it without having to make 27 district post type? Can I assign a particular view to a user? lets say district #1 is assigned to John, and district #22 to Rachel. Can the same be done with templates and archives?
I think we have already talked about the same questions in your previous thread:
I assume these:
- one "Leader" can manage only one "district",
- one "district" can connect to only one "Leader",
- one "minister" can manage only one "church",
- one "church" can connect to only one "minister",
In your case, it needs just three post types:
- district (with 27 district posts)
- churches
- Member (Each leaders/minister has only one post in this post type, the post's author is different wordpress user)
And three post type relationships:
1) one-to-many relationship between post type "district" and "church"
So each "district" can connect to multiple "churches" posts, for example:
district A
-- church 1
-- church 2
district B
-- church 3
-- church 4
2) one-to-one relationship "Leader" between post type "district" and "Member"
So each "district" post can connect to one "Member" post
3) one-to-one relationship "minister" between post type "church" and "Member"
So each "church" post can connect to one "Member" post
After user login into your website, redirect him to a wordpress page, in this page, display a post views:
1) Parent post view:
- query "Member" posts
- filter by post's author is current logged -in user
- in section "Loop Editor" ,display below two sections
2) Section "Related district":
The related district post information + A edit "district" form link
3) Section "Related church":
Same as above:
The related district post information + A edit "church" form link
So each member user can only edit his related "district" post and "church" post.